HiTi CS-220E Card Printer Ribbon not Detected

HiTi CS-220E Card Printer Ribbon not Detected

HiTi developed the CS-220E card printer and reported that the ribbon was not detected when it was powered on

HiTi card printer CS-220E reports 0201 No ribbon detected when the machine is turned on.

If this error occurs, the machine failure can be eliminated from the following points.

1. Check whether the ribbon is installed in the machine, if not, please install the ribbon correctly.

2. Whether the ribbon in the machine is installed correctly, if the ribbon is installed incorrectly, please install the ribbon correctly.

3. The ribbon in the machine is broken, connect the broken part, stick it with tape, and reinstall the ribbon correctly.

4. You can calibrate the sensor for the machine in the printing preferences.

If the machine still reports an error after eliminating the above points, please contact our technical department in time!

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