Card Printer Cleaning Roller

Card Printer Cleaning Roller

Card Printer Cleaning Roller

The card printer cleaning wheel is a product specially designed to clean the card when producing the card. Put the cleaning wheel into your printer, the cleaning wheel will absorb the dust particles on the card during printing, which will prolong the life of your print head and improve the quality of your card punching.

It is highly recommended to perform a printer cleaning every time the ribbon is replaced. In addition to using the cleaning card to clean the card channel, each cleaning also includes replacing the card cleaning roller.

Watch out for a lot of dust particles on your cleaning wheel, or clean it after every 250 cards printed.  

Note your printer model, it may have one or two cleaning rollers.


1. Open the top cover of the machine.  

2. Remove the ribbon and printer cleaning roller from the printer.  

3. Locate and remove the cleaning roller between the two ribbon drive rollers.  

4. Peel off a layer of thin paper on the cleaning card, attach the cleaning card to the cleaning wheel and drag the cleaning card overturned to make it absorb the dirt and dust on the cleaning wheel to the cleaning card.

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