Banks & Credit Unions Cleaning Cards

Where are the CR80 clean cards used?

The CR80 cleaning card is a specialized cleaning tool designed to clean the read head and entire track of a magnetic stripe reader in one pass.

Standard credit card size (CR80 size), soaked with cleaning solution.

Commonly used in various industries where magnetic card readers are prevalent, such as in ATMs, point-of-sale (POS) terminals, credit card machines, and insert equipment.

Key points about the CR80 cleaning card:



ATM/POS Terminals/Card Printer Cleaning Card

ATM/POS Terminals/Card Printer Cleaning Card

  1. Usage in Various Card Readers:
    •  Versatile and can be used in different types of card readers, including insert, swipe, and motorized readers.
  2. Common Applications:
    • Magnetic card readers are extensively used in various industries.  CR80 cleaning card cleans the read head and entire track of a magnetic stripe reader in one pass
  3. Cleaning Effect:
    • The cleaning process involves swiping the CR80 cleaning card through the card reader. This action helps remove dust, dirt, and other contaminants from the read head and the entire track of the magnetic stripe reader.
  4. Prevention of Residue:
    • The cleaning solution on the CR80 Card Reader Cleaning Cards, typically contains alcohol, which aids in quick evaporation after cleaning. This ensures that there are no residue or cleaning traces left behind, maintaining the optimal performance of the card reader.
  5. Applications Beyond Cleaning:
    • While the primary purpose of CR80 cleaning cards is to clean card readers, they are also commonly used in everyday cards like ID cards, bus cards, subway cards, and bank cards. This makes them a convenient and practical tool for maintaining the functionality of various cards.
  6. Manufacturer:
    • In the provided information, Yousite Company is mentioned as a professional CR80 cleaning card manufacturer. Interested parties are encouraged to contact them for further discussions.
How to Clean an ATM Card Reader #b2b #cleaning #factory #fypシ #wipes #atm

In summary, the CR80 cleaning card is a useful tool for maintaining the efficiency of magnetic stripe card readers across different industries, and its versatility makes it applicable in a wide range of card-based systems and devices.

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