CR80 Cleaning Cards 03

CR80 Universal Cleaning Card : Card printers, ATMs, POS machines, card readers, and other Cleaning

With the advancement of technology, card devices such as ATM machines, POS terminals, access control systems, card printers, card readers, etc. play an increasingly important role in our daily lives. Under the influence of long-term use and environmental factors, these devices are prone to accumulate grease, dust and other contaminants, which have a negative impact on their performance and functions. In order to solve these problems, the CR80 Universal Cleaning Card came into being.

What is a CR80 Cleaning Card?

The CR80 cleaning card is a tool consumable specially designed for cleaning and dust removal of card equipment. It has multiple advantages and can clean dirt and pollutants conveniently and quickly, ensuring the stability and reliability of card equipment. (Learn more)

main material

The CR80 cleaning card usually consists of the following parts:

  • PVC Card : Provides sturdy support and durability.
  • IPA solution : A powerful cleaning agent that effectively removes grease, dust and other contaminants.

Common Sizes

The common size of CR80 cleaning card is 54*86mm, which is a standard size that makes it suitable for various card devices.

Advantages of CR80 Cleaning Card

Pointman Cleaning Kits 10X CR80 Cleaning Cards

  1. Wide applicability
    • The CR80 Universal Cleaning Card is suitable for various types of card devices, such as ATM machines, POS terminals, access control systems, card printers and card readers, etc., and has a wide range of applicability.
  2. Remarkable cleaning effect
    • The CR80 cleaning card is made of special materials and designed to effectively remove grease, dust and other contaminants from the card reader and other key parts of the device to ensure the normal operation of the device.
  3. Convenient
    • Cleaning with the CR80 Universal Cleaning Card is very simple. Simply insert the cleaning card into the card reader of the device and follow the instructions. The entire process does not require complex tools or professional knowledge, and is quick and convenient.
  4. Safe and reliable
    • The CR80 cleaning card is made of safe and harmless materials and will not cause damage or contamination to the equipment. At the same time, it will not generate static electricity or magnetic fields during the cleaning process, ensuring the safety of sensitive components inside the equipment.

Benefits of using CR80 cleaning cards

  • Improve the working efficiency of the equipment : Regular use of the CR80 cleaning card can keep the equipment clean, reduce card reading errors and other failures, and thus improve the working efficiency of the equipment.
  • Extend the service life of equipment : Removing dirt and contaminants from equipment can reduce equipment wear and extend its service life.
  • Reduce maintenance costs : Prevent equipment failures through regular cleaning and reduce the high costs of equipment maintenance.

In short, the CR80 cleaning card is an efficient, safe and convenient cleaning tool suitable for cleaning various card devices. Using the CR80 cleaning card for cleaning can not only improve the performance and service life of the device, but also bring a better user experience to users and ensure the stability and reliability of the device. Whether it is a home user or a professional technician, the CR80 cleaning card is a trustworthy choice.

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