Isopropyl Alcohol: Versatile Household Chemical

Isopropyl Alcohol: Versatile Household Chemical

Isopropyl alcohol, also known as isopropanol or IPA, is a colorless, flammable chemical compound with a strong odor. It is a versatile substance with a wide range of applications, particularly in pharmaceutical and household settings.

Many people may not realize that common household items such as antiseptics and astringents often contain isopropyl alcohol. Beyond its medical uses, isopropyl alcohol has numerous practical applications around the home.

Uses of Isopropyl Alcohol

Cleaning and Disinfecting: Isopropyl alcohol is widely used for cleaning and disinfecting purposes. Its ability to cut grease and sanitize surfaces makes it a popular choice for general-purpose cleaners. It is also effective for removing sticky residues and ink stains.

Card Printer Alcohol Cleaning Swab

Print Head Cleaning Swabs  is easy, self-saturating foamtipped cleaning swab is the newest and easiest way to thoroughly clean print heads.

Electronics Cleaning: One of the key uses of isopropyl alcohol is in the cleaning of electronic devices. It is ideal for this purpose because it evaporates quickly, reducing the risk of moisture damage to sensitive electronic components. This quick-drying property is crucial, especially when cleaning devices such as computers, laptops, game consoles, and smartphones. To safely clean electronics with isopropyl alcohol:

  1. Unplug the device: Always unplug or remove batteries before cleaning to avoid electrical hazards.
  2. Ensure proper temperature: The room temperature should be above 60 degrees Fahrenheit to ensure optimal evaporation and cleaning efficiency.
IPA Printhead Cleaning Pens

IPA cleaning pens are a reusable option for cleaning thermal printheads, and each pen can be used 6 to 10 times.

Household Uses: The grease-cutting properties of isopropyl alcohol make it useful for a variety of household cleaning tasks. It can be used to:

  • Clean mirrors and windows without streaks.
  • Disinfect surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom.
  • Remove smudges and fingerprints from smartphones and tablets.
  • Clean gaming peripherals such as controllers and consoles.

Industrial Applications: Isopropyl alcohol is also used in industrial settings, including as a solvent in paint thinners and inks, and as a gasoline additive. It can even be converted into acetone, another valuable industrial solvent.

Printhead Cleaning Wipes

Safety Considerations

When using isopropyl alcohol, it is essential to follow safety guidelines:

  • Ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation when using isopropyl alcohol to avoid inhaling fumes.
  • Fire Safety: Keep away from open flames and heat sources, as it is highly flammable.
  • Proper Storage: Store in a cool, dry place, tightly sealed to prevent evaporation and contamination.

Isopropyl alcohol is a multi-functional household chemical that offers numerous benefits, from cleaning and disinfecting to specialized applications in electronics. Understanding its properties and safe usage can help maximize its effectiveness and ensure safe handling.

Hiti CS200 Cleaning Kits(5 cleaning cards and 5 swabs) Card Printer CS200e & CS220e

The Importance of Keeping Hiti Card Printers Clean and Recommended Cleaning Supplies

In the card printing business, maintaining cleanliness of printing equipment is crucial. Especially for Hiti card printers, they are key tools for producing high-quality cards. Keeping the devices clean not only ensures printing quality and efficiency but also prolongs their lifespan. This article will explore the importance of keeping Hiti card printers clean and introduce some cleaning supplies to ensure smooth operation of the devices.

Importance of Keeping Clean

Hiti CS200 Cleaning Kits(5 cleaning cards and 5 swabs) Card Printer CS200e & CS220e

Hiti CS200 Cleaning Kits(5 cleaning cards and 5 swabs) Card Printer CS200e & CS220e

Hiti card printers come into contact with various materials such as cards, ribbons, etc., during card production. Dust, dirt, or ribbon residue on the surface or inside of the printer can potentially affect card printing quality and the performance of the printer. Here are some reasons why keeping Hiti card printers clean is important:

Printing Quality: A clean printer ensures clarity and quality in card printing, avoiding any effects from dust or ribbon residue on the print results.
Device Performance: Regular cleaning prevents damage to printer components, ensuring smooth operation. Especially for sensitive components like the print head, keeping it clean can extend its lifespan and reduce failure rates.
Lifespan Extension: Through regular cleaning and maintenance, the lifespan of Hiti card printers can be extended, reducing the cost of repairs and part replacements.

Recommended Cleaning Supplies

To ensure the cleanliness of Hiti card printers, here are some recommended cleaning supplies:

Cleaning Cards: Regularly use cleaning cards to clean the internal surfaces and rollers of the printer. This helps remove dust and dirt, ensuring smooth card transportation.
Cleaning Pens: Designed specifically for cleaning the print head, these pens can remove dust and ribbon residue. Care should be taken when using them to avoid damaging the print head.
Cleaning Swabs/Sticks: Used for cleaning hard-to-reach areas of the printer and the print head of re-transfer printers. Pressing the button on the stick releases cleaning fluid, ensuring thorough cleaning.

Cleaning Roller
These cleaning supplies are available at our store at competitive prices. Regular use of these cleaning supplies ensures that your Hiti card printer remains clean, enhancing its performance and lifespan.

How to Clean the HITI cs200e ID Card Printer? #cleaning #useful #printer #swab #hiti

Keeping Hiti card printers clean is crucial for ensuring card printing quality and smooth device operation. Through regular cleaning and maintenance, you can protect your investment and ensure a reliable printing solution in the long term.

Keep Your Zebra Printer Clean for Peak Performance!

Keep Your Zebra Printer Clean for Peak Performance!

In our busy work environments, Zebra printers are essential for all our card printing needs.

But did you know that keeping your Zebra printer clean is crucial for top-notch performance? Let’s explore why cleanliness matters and how you can easily maintain it with the right cleaning kit!

Zebra 105999-701 Cleaning Kit For ZXP Series 7

Zebra 105999-701 Cleaning Kit For ZXP Series 7

Why Cleanliness Matters

  1. Quality Prints: A clean printer ensures crisp, spotless prints every time, avoiding smudges and blur.
  2. Longer Lifespan: Regular cleaning prevents dust and dirt buildup, extending your printer’s life and saving you money on repairs.
  3. Smooth Operations: Say goodbye to paper jams and glitches! A clean printer operates smoothly, boosting your productivity.
How to clean Zebra ZXP Series 3 card printer - Cleaning Your Printer #cleaning #printer #zebra

Easy Cleaning with the Right Kit

  1. Cleaning Cards: Simply insert to clean internal parts like print heads and rollers.
  2. Adhesive Rollers: Roll over transport rollers to remove dust and debris for smooth card feeding.
  3. Swabs and Pens: Perfect for delicate areas and hard-to-reach spots.
  4. Cleaning Wipes: Keep the exterior shiny and free of fingerprints.

Choose Quality Kits

Ensure you pick high-quality cleaning kits compatible with your Zebra printer model for effective cleaning and protection.

A clean Zebra printer means better prints, longer life, and fewer headaches. Invest in a quality cleaning kit today and keep your printer running like new!

For more information or to get your cleaning kit, contact us now!

The Correct Usage and Importance of Printer Cleaning Cards

The Correct Usage and Importance of Printer Cleaning Cards

In modern office environments, printers are widely used for printing various documents and files. However, over time, printers may accumulate dust, ink residues, and other dirt inside, which can lead to decreased print quality and even affect the printer’s performance. To maintain the printer’s good condition and extend its lifespan, printer cleaning cards have become an essential accessory.

What are Printer Cleaning Cards?

Printer cleaning cards are specially designed accessories used to clean the interior of printers. They are typically made of special materials with the ability to absorb dust and dirt, effectively cleaning printer components such as print heads and rollers, ensuring stable print quality and printer performance.

Video: How to Clean your Zebra ZXP Series 3 ID Card Printer?

Ensure optimal print quality with regular cleaning of your Zebra ZXP3 ID card printer using the included IPA-soaked cleaning cards, available in our Zebra ZXP3 Printer Cleaning Kit. Trust Yousite company for top-notch ZXP3 printers and supplies, plus expert advice to keep your printing operations running smoothly.

What Are Printer Cleaning Cards?

They’re special cards designed to clean inside printers. Made of materials that absorb dust and dirt, they’re effective at cleaning print heads and rollers.

How to Use Them:

  1. Prep: Get a cleaning card that fits your printer model.
  2. Open Up: Open your printer’s cover to expose the print head and rollers.
  3. Insert and Run: Gently insert the cleaning card into the printer’s slot and start the cleaning program. The card will move automatically, cleaning as it goes.
  4. Repeat if Needed: Flip the card and run it again if you want a thorough clean.

Importance of Printer Cleaning Cards:

  1. Maintain Quality: Dust and dirt can mess up prints. Cleaning cards keep print quality sharp.
  2. Extend Lifespan: By keeping printer parts clean, you’ll help your printer last longer.
  3. Prevent Problems: Regular cleaning reduces the risk of malfunctions, so your printer keeps churning out pages smoothly.
Card Printer Cleaning Kits

Card Printer Cleaning Kits

In daily office operations, using printer cleaning cards correctly is an important step in maintaining the normal operation and extending the lifespan of printers. By regularly cleaning the printer, you can ensure stable print quality, reduce the occurrence of malfunctions, and improve work efficiency. Therefore, it is recommended to follow the instructions for using printer cleaning cards and perform printer cleaning regularly to keep the printer in optimal condition.

Optimizing Thermal Printer Performance: A Comprehensive Guide to Printhead Maintenance

Optimizing Thermal Printer Performance: A Comprehensive Guide to Printhead Maintenance

Thermal printers play a crucial role in various industries, from retail and logistics to healthcare and beyond. Over time, the performance of thermal printers can be compromised due to toner residue on the printhead, leading to suboptimal print quality. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deeper into the importance of printhead maintenance and explore additional tips for optimizing thermal printer performance.

Section 1: Understanding the Impact of Toner Residue

Maintain Exceptional Print Quality with the Miracle of Thermal Printer Cleaning Pens

Keep your thermal printer in peak condition with our user-friendly Thermal Printer Cleaning Pen, designed to effortlessly remove debris, extend print head lifespan, and optimize overall printing efficiency.

Thermal printers utilize heat to produce images on paper, and toner residue buildup on the printhead is a common issue. This residue can result in poor print quality, including faded prints, streaks, or even complete printing failures. To address this issue effectively, regular maintenance is essential.

Section 2: Choosing the Right Printhead Cleaning Tools

While the Yousite Printhead Cleaning Pen is a popular choice, it’s crucial to use cleaning tools specifically designed for your printer model. Always refer to the manufacturer’s recommendations for compatible cleaning products to avoid potential damage. In addition to cleaning pens, lint-free cloths and specialized cleaning solutions can also be effective.

Section 3: Best Practices for Printhead Maintenance

Frequency of Cleaning:
Regular cleaning is key to preventing toner residue buildup. Depending on your printer usage, aim to clean the printhead at least once a month. High-volume printing environments may require more frequent cleaning.

Power Off Before Cleaning:
Always disconnect the power supply before cleaning the printhead. This ensures safety and prevents any electrical issues during the cleaning process.

Thorough Cleaning Technique:
When using a cleaning pen, ensure the pen tip makes direct contact with the printhead. Employ a gentle back-and-forth motion to effectively remove residue. Check for any remaining debris and repeat the process if necessary.

Perform printhead cleaning in a well-ventilated area to allow the cleaning solution to evaporate quickly. The volatile nature of solutions like IPA in cleaning pens ensures that there is no residue left on the printhead.

Section 4: Routine Printer Maintenance

How To Clean A Barcode Printer

Our thermal printer cleaning pen is designed to quickly remove paper flash, dust, dirt, adhesive residue, and other contaminants from print head

In addition to printhead cleaning, routine printer maintenance is essential for overall performance. This includes checking for firmware updates, inspecting paper paths for debris, and monitoring the general condition of printer components.

Section 5: Troubleshooting Print Quality Issues

If print quality issues persist after printhead cleaning, consider other factors such as the quality of the thermal paper, proper storage of paper rolls, and the overall condition of the printer. Consult the printer manual or manufacturer’s support for specific troubleshooting steps.

Regular maintenance of the printhead is fundamental to ensuring the longevity and optimal performance of thermal printers. By following best practices, using the right cleaning tools, and incorporating routine maintenance into your printer care regimen, you can significantly enhance print quality and reduce the risk of downtime. Invest time in maintaining your thermal printer, and you’ll enjoy consistent, high-quality prints for years to come.

Maintain Exceptional Print Quality with the Miracle of Thermal Printer Cleaning Pens

Maintain Exceptional Print Quality with the Miracle of Thermal Printer Cleaning Pens

In the contemporary business world, thermal printers have become indispensable tools for office efficiency.

Whether printing receipts, labels, or other crucial documents, thermal printers excel in delivering tasks efficiently and with clarity.

However, over time, deposits on the print heads can compromise print quality, causing unnecessary hassles. To address this issue, we introduce the Thermal Printer Cleaning Pen – your ideal tool for maintaining your printing equipment and ensuring sustained outstanding performance.

thermal printer cleaning pen

1. Eliminate Accumulated Debris

The Thermal Printer Cleaning Pen contains a special cleaning solution capable of swiftly and thoroughly removing ink, dust, and other impurities from the print heads. Accumulations of these substances can lead to a decline in print quality, manifesting issues such as streaks, fading, or incomplete prints. By using the cleaning pen, you can effortlessly resolve these problems and keep your printer in optimal working condition.

2. Prolong Print Head Lifespan

Regular use of the Thermal Printer Cleaning Pen helps extend the lifespan of print heads. By preventing the buildup of deposits, you can reduce wear and tear on the printer, enhancing its durability. This not only aids in lowering maintenance costs but also ensures your printer performs exceptionally during critical moments.

3. Enhance Printing Efficiency

The cleaning pen also contributes to improved printing efficiency. A clean print head can accurately transfer heat, ensuring every print is sharp and clear. This is particularly crucial for applications that demand high-quality prints, such as business labels, receipts, and invoices.

4. Easy to Use, Operationally Safe

The Thermal Printer Cleaning Pen is user-friendly and requires no specialized skills. Simply follow the manufacturer’s instructions, gently glide the cleaning pen over the print head or press it against the platen, and effortlessly complete the cleaning process. The solution within the cleaning pen is specially formulated to safely and effectively clean printer components without causing damage. How to Clean a Thermal Printer with a Thermal Printer Cleaning Pen

Keeping your thermal printer clean is a crucial step in ensuring print quality and device performance. Choose our Thermal Printer Cleaning Pen to keep your printer in optimal condition, helping you achieve greater success in your work!

Video: How to clean the Entrust Datacard CD800 ID Card Printer?

Video: How to clean the Entrust Datacard CD800 ID Card Printer?

Maintaining Your Entrust Datacard CD800 Card Printer: A Comprehensive Cleaning Guide

Card printers, such as the Entrust Datacard CD800, are vital tools for organizations requiring secure and professional card issuance. To ensure these printers continue to produce high-quality cards and operate efficiently, regular cleaning is essential. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to properly clean your Entrust Datacard CD800 card printer.

What you’ll need:

  • Evolis Edikio Printer Cleaning Kit, including:
    • Adhesive card and CR80 cleaning card
    • 2A) Soak lPA sponge swab
    • 2B) Cleaning penICLEANING CARD
    • 2C) Squeeze sponge swab
    • 3) Soak IPA wipes
    • 4) Cleaning Rollers

Watch the video for step-by-step instructions:

How to Clean your CD800 Datacard Printer #id #cleaning #useful #printer #factory #Entrust

1. Cleaning the Transport Rollers: The transport rollers are prone to collecting dust, debris, and contaminants, which can affect print quality and printer performance. To clean them effectively, use a Adhesive cleaning card. Simply insert the cleaning card into the input area and initiate the cleaning cycle by pressing the USER button. The printer will move the card through the printer, collecting dirt and debris from the transport rollers.

2. Utilizing Additional Cleaning Tools: In addition to cleaning cards, consider using cleaning pens and squeeze sponges. These tools are designed to remove dust, debris, and contaminants from the printhead, enhancing print quality and prolonging printhead life. For hard-to-reach areas, such as deep-set components, utilize sponge swabs with short or long handles to ensure thorough cleaning.

3. External Casing and Component Cleaning: Don’t overlook the importance of cleaning the printer’s external casing and contaminated components. Use cleaning wipes to wipe down the internal and external surfaces of the printer, ensuring a clean and professional appearance. Additionally, clean any transport sticks to maintain overall cleanliness and functionality.

4. Replacing Consumables: When replacing the ribbon, it’s crucial to also replace the cleaning roller. This ensures that the printer remains clean and continues to operate optimally. Regularly inspect and replace consumables as needed to prevent buildup and maintain print quality.

5. Regular Maintenance Schedule: Establish a regular maintenance schedule for your Entrust CD800 card printer to ensure consistent performance. Consider cleaning the printer after every ribbon change or at regular intervals, depending on usage. By incorporating cleaning into your routine maintenance, you can prevent issues and prolong the life of your printer.

Proper maintenance and cleaning are essential for preserving the performance and longevity of your Datacard CD800 card printer. By following these steps and incorporating regular cleaning into your maintenance routine, you can ensure that your printer continues to produce high-quality cards reliably. Remember, if you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Thank you for choosing Entrust for your card printing needs.

This comprehensive guide provides detailed instructions for maintaining and cleaning your Entrust Datacard CD800 card printer, ensuring optimal performance and longevity. Incorporate these steps into your maintenance routine to keep your printer in top condition.

How to Clean a Credit Card Reader & Thermal Printer?

How to Clean a Credit Card Reader & Thermal Printer?

In card printer systems, the card printer is the key terminal device. Through the background program setting, the card printer can print personal information such as portrait photos, names, and units on the card surface, which can be used as identity confirmation and realize various smart application functions. The daily cleaning of the card printer is the key to ensure its service life, which should be our great attention.

 Use of cleaning kits

 To keep your card printer working best, perform a maintenance cleaning after every roll of ribbon or 250 pages printed. The kits in the cleaning kit can help you complete standard cleaning routines more efficiently and thoroughly. Please clean the printer properly according to the following methods. The whole cleaning process only takes a few minutes. 

  • Cleaning pens soaked in 99.99% acetone alcohol .
  • The cleaning card is used to clean the inside of the machine and the cleaning rollers.
  • Cleaning wipes soaked in 99.99% isopropyl alcohol are used to clean the conveyor rollers inside the machine.

How to clean the print head?

Datacard 557492-001 Cleaning Pen

Printhead cleaning pen contains Isopropanol alcohol proven to effectively clean the printhead from dirt, ink, and other contaminants that have built up over time.

 Have you noticed an unprinted line on your print card, if so, it’s time to clean your print head.

We should clean the print head after every 250 prints of the printer to ensure the print quality.

1: Open the top cover of the printer. 
2: Use the print head cleaning pen to gently wipe the glass body of the print head several times, wipe left and right. To remove dust accumulated on the print head. 
3: When the print head is completely dry, the job of cleaning the print head is finished.

How to clean the pressure roller?

Multi-function Cleaning Wipe -IPA

Preventative maintenance of card printers and transactional equipment to clean the thermal printheads, transfer rollers, and internal components of the equipment.

 The printer prerol should be cleaned after printing each roll or 250 cards, if the surface of the printer pressure wheel looks dirty, the surface of the printer pressure wheel should be cleaned in time. Follow the steps below to clean the printer pressure rollers. 

  1. Open the card, remove the card, and find the card’s two drive rollers.
  2. Remove the ribbon (and transfer film).
  3. Find the pressure rollers.
  4. Use the cleaning wipes from the cleaning bag to clean the two drive rollers in the printer card magazine.
  5. When cleaning, press ON/CANCEL (on/off) or pause/resume (online) to rotate the pressure wheel and wipe with a clean gauze. 
  6. Wait for the pressure wheel to dry and load the ribbon. 
  7. After cleaning all drive rollers, close all chassis covers.                     

Maintaining the Cleanliness of the Cleaning rollers?  

Magicard Prima Cleaning Kit

Compatible Cleaning Kit Contains Adhesive cards – 85x150mm, 10 Cleaning Swabs, 10 Cleaning wipes. Magicard Prima Cleaning Kit.

 Put the cleaning rollers into the printer, the cleaning wheel will absorb the dust particles on the card during printing, thus prolonging the life of the print head and improving the quality of the punched card. 
 Pay attention to whether there are a lot of dust particles on the cleaning wheel, or wash it after every 250 cards are printed. 
 Note your printer model. It may have one or two cleaning rollers. 

1: Open the top cover of the machine. 
2: Remove the ribbon and printer cleaning roller from the printer. 
3: Locate and remove the cleaning wheel between the two belt drive rollers. 
4: Tear off a thin layer of paper from the cleaning card, and stick the cleaning card on the drag cleaning card with the cleaning wheel turned over, so that the dirt and dust on the cleaning wheel are adsorbed on the cleaning card. 

What are the benefits of regular printer maintenance?

1. Best performance

A clean printer leads to optimal efficiency and performance. As a by-product of normal printing, printers often accumulate residue (consumable dust, adhesives, etc.). Regular cleaning of your Credit Card Reader or ID printer can help prevent poor quality issues and can increase productivity by limiting the number of interruptions to your workflow. Likewise, the printer itself will perform optimally when the thermal/thermal transfer printhead has a clean and clear label output path.

2. Save maintenance cost

When your printers are clean, they are less likely to malfunction. Ensuring that the printheads and hardware inside the printer are clean saves critical time and money from being wasted without costly replacements and time-consuming integration into a new printer.

3. Extend the life of the printer

Credit Card Reader printers are built to last. Regular cleaning routines help extend the life of mission-critical equipment by ensuring that hardware and its vital accessories are free of debris and particles that can accelerate wear.

4. Print clear and readable labels

When a barcode verification detector or handheld scanner is running, dust under the printhead can cause barcodes to fail or scan incorrectly. Cleaning the printer hardware will help prevent labels from being voided and incorrectly reprinted. A clean printer also prevents barcodes from not scanning properly due to dust under the printhead. Reducing the chances of these bad barcodes being shipped out can help prevent large fines later imposed by consignees for deliveries.

5. Reduced need for maintenance

Minimize business disruption by cleaning your printers on a regular basis. When printers are clean and running at maximum capacity, mission-critical equipment is working hard to maximize revenue. When a printer fails, every minute of failure affects your bottom line. In the event of a printer failure, your main concern is minimizing downtime.

Regular cleaning of your printer will not only help your printer last longer, it will also ensure that your labels are always legible.

Best Way To Clean Credit Card Reader

Best Way To Clean Credit Card Reader

When the card printer LCD screen displays “CLEAN PRINTER” or the printed image is not clear or complete. It is necessary to use a special cleaning card to clean the printer. In addition, during the printing process, when the sensor is dirty and the card is frequently stuck in the flipper and the “Mechanical” mechanical error is reported, it is also necessary to use a special cleaning card to clean it.

How to clean your credit card machine: tips and steps to follow.

The maintenance and working environment of the card printer is an important factor affecting the operation and service life of the printer.  So please try not to place the printer in a workplace with too much dust or strong sunlight.

  • Regular cleaning of the printer will keep the printer in top condition, produce better quality results and avoid breakdowns.
  • Before cleaning the printer, please clean the dust around the inside of the printer. (The surrounding dust may be rotated during printing, floating in the machine, and adsorbed on the print head due to static electricity, causing the print head to break the needle ) Cleaning wipes . Then use the cleaning card to clean the card reader ribbon.
  • Recommended to use cleaning cards to clean all shafts in the machine. Replace the cleaning roller after each roll of ribbon. If the machine is in a relatively bad working environment, please shorten the interval between two cleanings and increase the number of cleanings .
  • Cleaning of any printer consists of three parts. The cleaning rollers cleans the card; the cleaning pen cleans the print head; the cleaning card cleans all the rollers in the machine. Three parts are indispensable: Use the cleaning pen to clean the print head. It can better protect the print head and prolong the service life of the print head. It is recommended to purchase related cleaning kits .
  • Before cleaning the printer, please use a cleaning swab to clean the dust inside and around the printer. (The dust floating inside the printer may generate static electricity during the printer’s working process. The dust is easy to attach to the print head and cause the print head to break the needle.) And then clean it with a cleaning kit.
  • Please do not reuse the cleaning card: After the cleaning card is used once, there is very little detergent on the cleaning card. And the cleaning effect cannot be achieved.

Be careful not to damage the print head when opening or closing the cover.

Do not carry hard objects such as watches and rings when inspecting the machine.  It is easy to touch the print head and damage the print head.

Zebra Card Printer Cleaning Kits Manufacturer Directly Sale

Zebra Card Printer Cleaning Kits Manufacturer Directly Sale

Manufacturer Directly Sale Zebra Card Printer Cleaning Kits

Use the Zebra Cleaning Kit to keep the inside of your Zebra printer free of dried up ink and debris that clogs the printheads. Which will extend the life of your printer.

Detail  Description

Zebra printer cleaning cartridges, rollers, cards and swabs extend the life of your card printers and improve overall image quality.


Printhead—the most important and most expensive part in a card printer. Needs regular maintenance.

Compatible Zebra Cleaning Kits is specially designed to clean the printhead debris, the barrel is filled with IPA solution, it can be used for about 10 times for cleaning the printhead.

Printer Clean Swabs

For applications on electronic printed circuit card (PCB) components, we use isopropyl alcohol to clean flux residues from PCB repair work and remodeling.

If the printer print head is hidden inside the printer, you can use a cleaning swab as the handle is more flexible. 

used on most of Zebra card printers.

used on most of Zebra card printers.

Zebra Clean Print Head pen


Zebra Cleaning Kits  105999-310  and 105999-311 is specially used for removing the residue built up on the card printer print head, it can be used on  Zebra card printers ZC100&ZC300 series.

Zebra Card Printer Cleaning Card

Compatible Zebra cleaning kit provides an easy and inexpensive option to maintain the performance and functionality of your ID card printer.

Zebra Card Feed Hopper Short T Cleaning Card. To clean the card feed hopper on Zebra ZXP1, ZXP3 card printers.

Simply insert the card feeder cleaning card into the card slot and run the cleaning cycle. Turn the cleaning card over and repeat the cleaning cycle again. And the printer is ready to use when cleaning is complete.

Our card feeder short T cleaning cards laminated with PVC and polyester wood pulp composite cloth. Which has excellent water absorption and toughness. And the wood pulp can absorb IPA solution to slow down the evaporation time.