Video: How to clean Evolis Edikio Access printer?

Video: How to clean Evolis Edikio Access printer?

To clean the Edikio Access printer, follow these steps:

By following these steps, you can effectively clean your Edikio Access printer, ensuring optimal performance and print quality for your card printing needs.

What you’ll need:

  • Evolis Edikio Printer Cleaning Kit, including:
    •  “T” shaped cleaning card
    • Soak lPA sponge swab
    • Cleaning pen
    • Squeeze sponge swab
    • Soak lPA wipes

Watch the video for step-by-step instructions:

How to clean Evolis Edikio Access printer? | Regular cleaning of the card printer #cleaning #useful

1. **Open the Printer Cover:** Open the cover of the printer to access the internal components.

2. **Remove the Ribbon:** Take out the ribbon from the printer to prevent interference during the cleaning process.

3. **Close the Cover:** Close the printer cover securely and ensure it clicks into place.

4. **Remove Cards from the Feeder:** Check and remove any cards present in the feeder to avoid obstruction during cleaning. 5. **Activate Cleaning Mode:** Double-click the control button on the printer to activate the cleaning mode before proceeding further.

6. **Insert Cleaning Card:** Insert the “T” shaped cleaning card into the feeder as per the printer’s instructions. Allow the card to pass through the printer.

7. **Remove Cleaning Card:** Once the cleaning process is complete, remove the “T” shaped card from the feeder.

8. **Use Cleaning Tools for Print Head:** – Utilize a cleaning pen to remove debris and buildup from the print head, improving print quality and prolonging its lifespan. – Alternatively, use a squeeze sponge or sponge-tipped swab to clean the print head, especially in hard-to-reach areas. – For deeper cleaning, employ cleaning wipes to clean both internal and external surfaces, including contaminated components and feeder rollers.

9. **Printer Cleaning from Edikio Print Center:

** Additionally, printer cleaning can be performed using the Edikio Print Center software. Navigate to the printer properties, access the “cleaning” section, or utilize the “Tools” menu and select “Printer Cleaning Wizard” for automated cleaning procedures.

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