Cleaning cards are cheap insurance to maintain business operating efficiently.
The majority of today’s customer transactions are facilitated through the use of electronic media. No more so than at the frontline of business – businesses such as retailers, supermarkets, hospitality, hotels, transit, airlines, banking, gaming, logistics, and security.

Cleaning Cards are the preferred method to clean the internal mechanisms of these devices. Dirty equipment leads to card rejections, repeated insertions,
These transactions not only rely on the connection between the customer’s card and the device that reads that card but also on the verification of the transaction by printing a docket or label.
Card Reader Cleaning Card · Cleaning Card for banknote acceptors · Cleaning Stripe for banknote acceptors · EFT/POS & Retail Cleaning Card · Special Cleaning Cards.
Transactions that rely on electronic devices include:
•Card reading – purchases, ATMs transactions, hotel door locks, health insurance claims, loyalty card identification, security access, time card, kiosks
•Printed receipts, tickets, labels, and dockets – airline baggage tags and boarding passes, parking receipts, EFTPOS receipts, shipping labels, inkjet, laser, and dot matrix printers, kiosks
•Currency note recognition – gaming machines, retail, and supermarket self-serve aisles, car washes, vending machines, currency counters
•Financial transactions – cheque readers, cheque scanners